Friday, September 18, 2009

Four Noble Truths

When I read after the these 4 Noble Truths, I felt these are told us in our life have to suffer many things. such as frustration, interesting things, and some bitter things. And they have us to do and think right things. So we have to knew what is the 4 noble truths!!!

And then I go to the a very fun website. There are many pictures in this site is very funny and interesting. And this site had some games. So I felt this site is very good. But I don't play these games all the time. I have read somethings in this site. And I learn somethings about life. They told our about in our life things. So I can learn and play games in this site.

caption 1:The picutre is from the yahoo images

caption 2:It is from the this URL

1 comment:

  1. Better again Frank. I am very happy to see such improvements. I can tell you did some reading and also thinking. The second site, however, is a bit off-topic. Try to only open the sites that are on the exact topic we are working on.
