Monday, November 16, 2009

Holocaust about the jewish with the German
In the this site, i know the German kill 6 million jewish people. And they use the poison room and incinerate room to kill jewish people and some innocent people. They are very cruel and terrible. And the German build to many poison and incinerate room to kill jewish people.

The Hiliter ordered his men to kill many jewish people and other innocent people in the World Way II. He kill the 6 million people in the 1939 - 1945. And his reason to kill jewish is only one. He said there jewish are more smart than him. So he decided kill them in very terrible way.

Cpation 1 2: The images are from the Yahoo images.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jewish kings and Isreal

In this site, he told us the jewish's famous king is call David. And he is first build the jewish this religion. So all of the jewish's follower are very worship he. David want his follower have a happy life. So he let his follower can have many wife and good house. But some people have some doubt. So they write a sacred song for him.

In the this site, I know most of jewish's follower are the Isreal people. And the Isreal is have many jewish this religion. But some people are scorn them. So they only can live in the Isreal. But the America government give them some place to retain their religion.

caption 1: From the this URL.

caption 2: From the Yahoo images.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

jewish holidays and mythology

In this site, them told me they have two different literature. And they use these two literature to make they're religion. They also to divide them for civil stories and mythology. So they are many different literature in this religion.

This site told us the jewish have many different holidays. Some holidays is very happy and some are very sad, such as about the struggle and New Year. And they use these holidays to told us their old stories. So I felt these site is very good.

Caption 1 . 2: Are from the yahoo images.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jewish myths and stories

The judisham is a very special religion. And they are different literature in other religion. There is very little early folklore distinct from the aggadah literature.And they're people are treast their religion is very strong.

There are many comic in this site. And I read some comic in this site. The comic told us Jewish's custom. These comic also told us what they're symbol mean. The site use comic to show us about jewish's many things.
caption 1: From the yahoo images.

caption 2:From the this site.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The judaism is become from the Israe. And the judaism is an very oldest religion. They are very different in another religion, such as language and law. And now the new judaism use old judaism's law to control them.

There are 5000 thousand people follower are live in the Israe. The judaism is fouth religion in the world. And they are treast god can happy to delete unlucky things. They are very observe their law. And they are very smart religion in the world.

caption1: From the Yahoo images.

caption2: From the Yahoo images.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buddha's postures

In the this site, I know the Buddha's hand can delete misfortune. And their hand can make many lucky things. So many people are treast their hand can make lucky things and delete misfortune. And they are very mighty.

In the another website, I know they can use their right hand to delete many misfortune. So many people use them to protect themselves. And their right hand also can make many lucky things. So we are treast them, and very worship them.

caption 1:From
caption 2: From

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More On Mahayan

This site told us the Mahayana is like a school. And this school are teach about Buddhism. These schools are in the many country, such as Japan, Taiwan, China, Tibet, and Kroea. And these school are all call esoteric Vajrayana.

In the this site, I know the mahayana in Japan is call meditation. First they are only in the India and Sri Lanka. And then they use many methods to spread in many different countries. So there many Buddhism in the world.

caption1:From the yahoo images

caption2:From the yahoo images, too

Sunday, September 27, 2009


After I read the thsi site. I know many things about the Mahayana things. Mahayana is mean a big bin, and buddhism use them to contain of adherents from the many different countries. And them want to made a new buddhism, but they didn't success. So they decided to reinstate original.

And I read the other website. Through I don't know what are this site want to told us. But I know he want to us some things about Buddhism's meaning. And told us what is the therarada mean.Finally I play read some comics in this site, so I felt this website is very good.

caption1:From the

caption2:This pictures is from the yahoo images.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Four Noble Truths

When I read after the these 4 Noble Truths, I felt these are told us in our life have to suffer many things. such as frustration, interesting things, and some bitter things. And they have us to do and think right things. So we have to knew what is the 4 noble truths!!!

And then I go to the a very fun website. There are many pictures in this site is very funny and interesting. And this site had some games. So I felt this site is very good. But I don't play these games all the time. I have read somethings in this site. And I learn somethings about life. They told our about in our life things. So I can learn and play games in this site.

caption 1:The picutre is from the yahoo images

caption 2:It is from the this URL

Friday, September 11, 2009

Buddha's Enlightement

When I read after about Buddha's Enlightement. I know the many things from he told to us. He have us don't every things to rely your friends or someone. And it's just do myself. So he us to do many have to control myself.

I played the some games and knew some things in this website. And the most important it's he to practiced hard in the mountain. So he is very grand in our would. But we can't treast them all of him. So before we do anythings, we have to think first. Not all treast the Buddha.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Legund Of The Buddha

When I read after about the legund of the buddha's news. I falt these are very difficult too see. Because these contents is very difficult. So I read these very hard. Finally I learned some things have to think. Not only treast the Buddha.

caption 1: The Buddha

And then I go to another Website. I read some things about Buddha. And this site is very special because this website use comic to told us about the buddha. After I read these comic. I felt them is very fun. But we can't all trest them.

caption2:The images is from the yahoo

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nervous System For Kid

Nervous System For Kid

When I read after this site. And I felt these things are very strange. Because I never read these things. And I found some very strange pictures. So I to paste in my post, and show you. And I know the nervous system controls our funtions. So the nervous system is very important for us.

PICTURE1:The Control Center

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I like basketball a lot. This is a cool iste with stats and others stuff from the NBA. I looked around there and learned some more about American basketball. I play when I have free time.

I also rather enjoy baseball. This is the official site for the MLB. My favorite team is the Yankees. I often watch them on TV. I can get scores, updates and player stats from this site.

Caption 1: Kobe Bryant bleeding in a game
Caption 2: Some of the yankees from 2009