Thursday, April 29, 2010

Renaissance and Dark Age

1. How did the Renaissance begin?

Because in the 1350 in italy, they had a very terrible sickness called the "Black Death". The first Renaissance creations is after this terrible sickness, the one person that called Giovanni Boccaccio make a stroy form from 100 chapter little stroy to tall us the "Black Death". So every artist are begin to make the use the many creations to let Renaissance brith.

2.What is special about ancient Rome architecture?

There are most important and special things in Rome architecture is their arch, baked brick, and they how to use of cement and concrete. This way is from italy old building, the Rome learn from them and build many building like italy, like temples, basilicas, and amphitheaters.

3.What was life like in the Dark Age?

In the Dark Age, many of the sickness are in this time, like black death, burglars, thieves, and plague. There all terrible thing in this time, if you live in this age. You will meet many trouble in your life, like your money was steal by thieves, or you will have the black death let you feel pain. In that time, you will feel you like live in hell, and in that age the witches is also use those bad men to make the experiment, so that is very terrible.
caption 1 2: From Yahoo Images.

1 comment:

  1. Great work, Frank. This is excellent. The answers aren't perfect, but they are really good. You have become quite the English student. Keep it up!
