Thursday, April 29, 2010

Renaissance and Dark Age

1. How did the Renaissance begin?

Because in the 1350 in italy, they had a very terrible sickness called the "Black Death". The first Renaissance creations is after this terrible sickness, the one person that called Giovanni Boccaccio make a stroy form from 100 chapter little stroy to tall us the "Black Death". So every artist are begin to make the use the many creations to let Renaissance brith.

2.What is special about ancient Rome architecture?

There are most important and special things in Rome architecture is their arch, baked brick, and they how to use of cement and concrete. This way is from italy old building, the Rome learn from them and build many building like italy, like temples, basilicas, and amphitheaters.

3.What was life like in the Dark Age?

In the Dark Age, many of the sickness are in this time, like black death, burglars, thieves, and plague. There all terrible thing in this time, if you live in this age. You will meet many trouble in your life, like your money was steal by thieves, or you will have the black death let you feel pain. In that time, you will feel you like live in hell, and in that age the witches is also use those bad men to make the experiment, so that is very terrible.
caption 1 2: From Yahoo Images.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Renaissance

What is the renaissance?

The renaissance is intellectual movement, that mean the classical literature, learning, and art. This plan was began in fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The movement gist was want let the classical art become renaissance. There are most artist in Itlay advocate this movement because they want to let the old art and history become very famous and common in the world.
caption 2: From Yahoo Images.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


1.Whick countries have nuclear weapons today?
There are many countires have the nuclear weapons, like Russia, China, Amreica, Israel, Frence and some have very powerful weapons countries also have this terrible weapons. In the WW2, the America also use this terrible weapons to attack the Japan. If we have the nuclear battle, it will let many people die in the world.

2.How are the nuclear weapons oftoday dfferent from 2 used in WW2?
The nuclear weapons use in WW2 is America want to finish this battle, so they dropped the two unclear to Japan in 1945. Now, we dont use the unclear weapons to attack, because this weapons is very dangerous and terrible, so we often take it to research and make the new weapons.

3. Between 1900-2000 more than 180,000,000 people died in war
-more than all the rest of history comined
-so how many will die between 2000-2100?
If our weapons become very powerful and terrible I think there will died 400,000,000. It was a very large number, and now our weapons can kill 180,000,000 people in one hundred years. Onle use the nuclear weapons can kill so many people, if we make a more powerful than nuclear weapons. That is a very terrible things.
caption 2: From yahoo images.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


1. When and how did WW2 end?

The Germany was surrender in April 29th, 1945. Then the Germany also give back all the country from they control in May 11th. In the Stember 2ed, the Germany sign with the English to agree give backk all the country and stop the WW2.

2. What happened afterward?

After the WW2, every country expel the all German get out their country. Because those German was also bully those people before the WW2, but now the Germany was lost in this battle. So many country are very happy.

3What topics woul you be interested in studying next?

I want to know some history about Manchu Dynasty, because the histroy is most important in my school now. I want to know some important thing during the Manchu Dynasty, and my father also sad this dynasty is very important and have many war. So I want to learn about this.
caption 1 2: From Yahoo Images.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

World War

Question 1: What was D-Day?

D-Day is American use the army and the air force, to attack the Germany, and this plan is called Normandy. The American also dispatch about one thousand plane and about 2 hunderd boat to attack the Germany.

Question 2: Who were the airborne?

The airborne is a way that American use it to send their soldiers to the enemies. The airborne also can send the food or weapons, but it have a problem. Because use this way the enemies can see you on the sky. They can attack you on the land, but you can't attack them in the sky.
Question 3: What happed at Iwo Jima?

Iwo Jima this battle is a very famous battle, it also have movie to explain this battle. The pictures caption 1 is the famous photo to talk about Iwo Jima. In the picture, there are four American soldiers put American national ensign on the hill, it's mean the America was win in this battle.

caption 1: From

caption 2: From Yahoo Image.