Thursday, March 18, 2010

World War 2

Question 1: What kind of gadgets did spies in WW2 use?

The American and smoe another countries use the spies like the 007, to stole the information from Gemany. Because it can help them win in the battle. Some countries also use radar to catch the Germany's infromation, so the Germany also use these way to attack back.

Question 2: What kind of codes were used in WW2? How were the broken?

In the WW2 the Germany and another countries also use codes to talk with their frined like the Germany use many codes replace called the some guns name. And the American and some countries use coldes to replace the tactics. It is a very useful way in the battle.

Question 3: What was the enigma machine?

The Germany the these machine to untie another countries' codes, and this machine is also like our translate machine. It can help the Germany know what are the eneimes say, and know what are they want to do. It is the best thing to use in the battle.
Caption 2: From yahoo Image.

1 comment:

  1. Your answers to number 1 and 2 are a bit off. For 1 I wanted you to talk about the tools of a spy--like guns in shoes, bombs hidden in cigar packs, etc. And for 2, you should have talked about the codes. How did they make them? With numbers? Symbols?
